Anastasia Mikova Anastasia Mikova

Anastasia Mikova
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧

Anastasia Mikova简介


A Ukranian-born film director and journalist whose work has always focused on social and humanist topics. Among other things, she worked as a journalist for documentaries dealing with issues such as illegal immigration, organ trafficking, or surrogate mothers. In 2009, she became editor-in-chief of the series of documentaries «Earth from Above», which marked the beginning of her collaboration with Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Then acting as first director and co-author, she continued her collaboration with Mr Yann Arthus-Bertrand on the documentary film Human managing the editorial team and ****** herself **** than 600 interviews of the film. This collaboration is ongoing as she is now co-directing their new film Woman, dedicated to women from all over the world.

Anastasia Mikova合作伙伴

Anastasia Mikova最近作品

女人观看 Norma Bastidas、加布里埃拉·梅尔古扎 9.4

Norma Bastidas、加布里埃拉·梅尔古扎

Anastasia Mikova最受好评作品