罗伯特·罗德里格斯 Roberta Rodrigues

  • 别名:罗伯特·罗德里格斯
  • 性别:
  • 星座:天秤座
  • 出生日期:1982-10-20
  • 出生地:巴西,里约热内卢州,里约热内卢市
  • 职业:演员



Roberta Rodrigues (born October 20, 1982) is a Brazilian actress. Born in Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro, Rodrigues started acting when she was 16 in a local theater group, Nós do Morro.In 2002, she debuted in a film with **** of God, which led Rodrigues to gain notoriety and being cast in several Rede Globo's telenovelas.She is also member of the hip hop music group Melanina Carioca composed by members of "Nós do Morro".
