The Facts of Love


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The Facts of Love又名29 Acacia Avenue

A middle-aged British couple are scheduled to go off on a holiday cruise in the Mediterranean. The husband, a businessman staunch in his beliefs, settled in his ways, with a dryly humorous approach to life in general, and a Britisher's inbred disdain for foreign travel, decides they will settle for a British seaside holiday. Meanwhile, back in their London suburb, their daughte...

发布于1945年。由Henry Cass执导,并且由编剧Denis Constanduros携幕后团队创作。集众多位戈登·哈克、卡拉·莱曼、吉米·汉利、贝蒂·鲍尔弗、Jill Evans等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1945公映的电影。


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