As God Made Her


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As God Made Her

Suddenly left a legacy of 500 pounds, Rachel Higgins, maid-of-all-work in the Palfrey household, desires to become a "lady". Helped by Madame Recamier, a modiste who pities her, Rachel, perfectly gowned, manicured and versed in the art of deportment, applies to Lady Muriel Tahourdin for instruction but is scornfully told: "You have the soul of a servant and can never have that ...

发布于1920年。由Maurits Binger、B.E. Doxat-Pratt执导,并且由编剧Norman Doxat-Pratt携幕后团队创作。集众多位Mary Odette、Henry Victor、Adelqui Migliar、Lola Cornero、Norman Doxat-Pratt、Marie Spiljar、Reginald Lawson、Leni Marcus等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1920公映的电影。


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