The Freemason


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The Freemason

A wealthy banker lies ritualistically and brutally murdered. The banker's daughter and only heir, Rana (Alex McKenna), calls upon Cyrus Rothwell (Randy Wayne), a brilliant but eccentric freelance writer, to assist in the investigation. Teaming up with veteran homicide detective Leon **** (Sean Astin), they suddenly find themselves thrust into the cryptic world of Freemasonry- p...

发布于2013年。由Sohrab Mirmont执导,并且由编剧Allen Johnson携幕后团队创作。集众多位西恩·奥斯汀、兰迪·韦恩、亚历克斯·麦肯纳等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013公映的电影。


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