قطعه نا تمام


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 获奖: 《新浪潮奖》
  • 演员: Ali-Reza Anoushfar / Ghogha Bayat / Hossein Soleimani
  • 类型:剧情
  • 地区: 伊朗
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قطعه نا تمام剧情内容介绍

قطعه نا تمام又名Gheteh Natamam、The Unfinished Song

Despite consistent censorship, Iranian filmmakers continue to make movies that assail the repressive nature of their country.  "Unfinished Song" tackles the religious prohibition on women singing in public or being taped on record or cassette.  When a young musicologist named Farhad (Ali-Reza Anoushfar) decides to track down the traditional village songs sung by women, he keeps m...

发布于2001年。由Maziar Miri执导,集众多位Ali-Reza Anoushfar、Ghogha Bayat、Hossein Soleimani、Mohsen Ghazi Moradi等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2001-02-06(伊朗)公映的电影。


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