Travel the World: Greece - Athens and the Peloponnes, Greek Islands


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Travel the World: Greece - Athens and the Peloponnes, Greek Islands剧情内容介绍

Travel the World: Greece - Athens and the Peloponnes, Greek Islands

Marvel at the accomplishments of the classical world with Rick Steves as he coasts around Greece and its outlying islands. Highlights include the Acropolis, Olympia, Epidavros, Mycenae, Santorini, Samos, and Lipsi as well as the crystal blue Aegean.  ATHENS and the PELOPONNESE:  Marvel at the incredibly advanced engineering of the ancient Greeks at ruined palace of Mycenae.  Explo...

发布于1997年。由Graham Loveridge执导,集众多位里奇·史蒂夫斯等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1997公映的电影。


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