The Spin Crowd


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The Spin Crowd

Meet the people who make other people famous. Produced by Kim Kardashian, this series goes behind the scenes of Command PR, an agency that throws Hollywood parties to promote products. But when the hosts are bigger divas than the celebrities, will there be enough room on the Red Carpet for everyone?

发布于2010年。集众多位斯特芬妮·普拉特、阿尔基·戴维、莎侬·多赫提、卡门·伊莱克特拉、金·卡戴珊、斯泰西·凯布勒、马里奥·洛佩兹、苏菲·蒙克、凯莉·奥斯本、凯莉·罗兰、Jonathan Cheban、Summer Hill、Simon Huck、Erika Ledesma、Katie Mox、Emily Pelz、Lauren Stoner等著名实力派明星加盟。


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