Sophia, na Primeira Pessoa


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Sophia, na Primeira Pessoa

Resorting to the author’s personal assets, to current images of places where she lived or that she treasured, and to TV and film archive images; quoting her prose and poetry always with first hand testimonies; from Porto to Lisbon, from Granja to Lagos, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, from Greece to the 25th of April: the passions and disillusionments of a life and work...

发布于2019年。由曼努埃·勒莫佐斯、Maria Andresen de Sousa Tavares执导,并且由编剧曼努埃·勒莫佐斯、Luís Nunes携幕后团队创作。集众多位索菲娅·安德雷森、Fernando Assis Pacheco、Miguel Sousa Tavares、Maria Andresen de Sousa Tavares、Francisco Sousa Tavares等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-10-25(葡萄牙)公映的电影。


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